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This trip was well worth the time, effort and price! You will experience and learn more from the tour with Danielle and Kevin because of their familiarity with the land. They really know the land, history and how to make it all come alive on the tour. I took the tour in the Summer of 2008. Every aspect of the tour exceeded my expectation. The tour changed me in ways I could not have anticipated, and my life is richer because of what the tour provided me. Danielle and Kevin are committed to making the tour the best experience possible for everyone; they saw to it that we learned from the journey. Both Danielle and Kevin provide unique interaction with the local culture throughout the tour–and that–I doubt others can provide.


- Gary Simpson



I was meditating on Psalm 26:12 when I realized I have a new perspective on its meaning. Experiencing Israel through the body and the mind allows God to impact your spirit and transform it in ways you don’t know until several months and perhaps years later. You see – we don’t really get Psalm 26:12 because we assume that we have always had paved roads and concrete side walks. We don’t think about where and how we place our feet, and we are not concerned about falling into a crater or stubbing our toe against boulders unseen. Psalm 26:12 takes on new meaning for me now that I understand the terrain of many parts of Israel.  My understanding came not through the mind or pictures from a book. It came through my feet being made dusty, and the necessity of watching the steps taken in order to just stand in some of the beautiful places on the tour.


Danielle & Kevin, are great teachers. They are not just tour guides, but they are living disciples willing to disciple others along their journey. If you’re still waiting to hear from the Lord about going, know that you’ve already heard from the Lord who encourages you. It is an investment that transforms your life so that you might transform another for eternal gain. I personally questioned whether God was sending me.  I was challenged by a relative to put my trust not in my purse or paycheck but in God’s ability to give provision of the vision of traveling to Israel. I only had four to five months to raise 90% of the funds necessary. I learned great lessons before I boarded the plane — you cannot beat God’s giving. WE are to trust Him with every detail including our feeble thoughts about our limited finances.  God owns everything and he can direct what he owns to supply all you need. Sign up and watch God.


- Pastor Debra Lax



By far, the best way to learn about the land is to walk it – to see it, smell it, taste it, feel it. If you’ve studied the Bible in context you know about the cultural tension that existed in the first century. But when you see evidence of the differences side by side you begin to feel the tension for yourself. Even the desert, which at first seems empty and dry will reveal its green goodness to you as you reflect on God’s provision. Kevin and Danielle will take you to places like these, and more, and share with you their knowledge and understanding, which will impact your reading of the Bible as well as your teaching and preaching. More importantly, a trip like this will impact your relationship with God.


This trip was particularly helpful to me in shaping my thoughts on discipleship.  Walking the land daily with our Rabbi Danielle, listening to her teaching, having discussions with fellow talmidim on the trail and experiencing life together has done much to help me understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Sometimes when we read the Bible we focus on what happened when Jesus and his disciples arrived at a certain place. It is so easy to miss the fact that so much happens on the road and not just at the destination. Life and learning happen on the dusty roads.

Follow Jesus closely. Live, learn and be covered in his dust.


- Pamela Mitchell

Crossroads Covenant Church, Concord, CA



Danielle & Kevin, are great teachers. They are not just tour guides, but they are living disciples willing to disciple others along their journey. If you’re still waiting to hear from the Lord about going, know that you’ve already heard from the Lord who encourages you. It is an investment that transforms your life so that you might transform another for eternal gain. I personally questioned whether God was sending me.  I was challenged by a relative to put my trust not in my purse or paycheck but in God’s ability to give provision of the vision of traveling to Israel. I only had four to five months to raise 90% of the funds necessary. I learned great lessons before I boarded the plane — you cannot beat God’s giving. WE are to trust Him with every detail including our feeble thoughts about our limited finances.  God owns everything and he can direct what he owns to supply all you need. Sign up and watch God.


- Marie-Ange Eyoum


I attended the “Come and Learn To Walk” Israel in Depth Study Tour in 2008 and I must say that it was an experience of a lifetime. However, it was trip that I must experience again! It may or may not be this year but I will go again because, not only were Danielle and Kevin experienced leaders, they’re passionately committed to their task. Their task was to help and guide us to experience Israel in a way that we could never have imagined. Please, do not consider this your typical “Holy Land” tour! You can’t call this a tour because it is so much more then visiting historical sites. We did visit all those sites, but with Danielle and Kevin, we were able to experience (with our whole body!) what the patriarchs of the Hebrew Bible may have experienced and what Jesus and His disciples may have experienced. Now, since I’ve been back listening to pastors speak about the places of the Bible and engaging myself in the Word of God, I can see, smell, feel, taste and hear the Scriptures come alive. What a trip it was! But, what is really awesome, the trip still continues every time I open the Word of the Lord. I bless God for the leadership and teaching of Danielle and Kevin and the opportunity I had to experience the “Come and Learn To Walk” Israel in Depth Study Tour of 2008. I highly recommend it!


- Mitch Fontaine

Worship Leader, Bethany Presbyterian Church, San Bruno, CA



What can someone say after a trip to the Holy Land? Emotions and Words simply don’t add up. But if you’re committed to Jesus and his teaching and desire to go deeper in your faith, this trip is all about that. This trip will change you. It beckons a change of heart and mind. I still think about the things I learned and share them almost everyday in some capacity. I will go back for more.


I was an outsider from the beginning of the trip because I did not know the leaders. In the beginning, Kevin and Danielle were my rabbi’s, my teachers. In the end, they remain as friends. I learned from them things that you can’t learn on paper. They taught the text, explained the text, and lived the text. They were leaders and at the same time they were servants. Sounds like someone I know…


- Curt Bishop



June, 2010


June, 2011


October, 2013


April, 2018


March, 2011

June, 2012


March, 2017


June, 2022


© 2023 Come And Learn To Walk Israel-In-Depth Study Tours

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