(Jezreel Valley looking toward Meggido from Nazareth)
​Is it safe?
Due in large part to the images portrayed in the media, this question is among the first regarding travel to Israel. All daily activity involves some risk, whether here or abroad and there is no such thing as a guarantee of absolutely safety. However, to put the news in perspective, the risk of road death in the United States is nearly eight times higher than the risk of death by terrorism in Israel. The community culture of Israel is actually much safer than most bedroom communities in America. This is observed daily as even the very young take themselves to and from schools and shops without worry.
We take great pains to ensure the safety of everyone on our tours, with the worst injury thus far being a blister. Our travel within the boundaries of Israel avoids places of tension and focuses instead on ancient Biblical sites. It is not unusual for us to go an entire day without encountering others from any other group.
What will I need?
A packing list will be provided along with your registration materials and study guide. If you do not already have a pair of hiking boots, purchase a pair as soon as possible and begin to break them in and make them our own. Remember, you must break in your feet as well as your shoes if you want to avoid blisters on the trip.
Can I invite others?
As long as space is available, all are welcome!
Can I get academic credit?
Contact your academic institution directly to determine whether or not directed study credits may be available.
Is there Financial Aid?
Neither Come and Learn To Walk nor Spark Church offers any financial aid for our trips. However, if you would like advice and guidance for fundraising, please contact us. Past trip participants have been greatly blessed through the support of friends, family and colleagues and it is our prayer that none should be deterred from participation due to finances. Be assured, we have worked very hard to keep the trip price competitive and all-inclusive. We believe that the value of the trip will far exceed your investment.
Can I book my own flight, fly out from a different airport, or use airline miles?
YES. Our trips are open to the public for people from anywhere in the world. You will be asked to work with our partner travel agent in making your own arrangements. Please note, the cost of the trip may be different from the cost quoted in our publications.
Can I purchase travel insurance?
YES. We do not arrange for, or include travel insurance in our pricing as each participant may have different needs. If you are interested in travel insurance, we recommend Travel Guard.
Can I bring my kids?
Children are more than welcome to participate in our tours. In our experience, both young and old have can have a highly positive and successful experience, given the right motivation and preparation. Please contact us if you’d like to connect with past participant families for advice and guidance. Experiencing Israel as a child along with your family is a blessing that will abide in their reading of the Text forever.
I’m in High School – can I still participate?
Absolutely! High school students are more than welcome to register for the Study Tour.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.