Study Resources

(Wadi Zin, Judean desert)
Many participants come home from an Israel Study Tour wanting more. The resources below can be of great assistance.
www.followtherabbi.com | The ministry of Ray Vander Laan filled with teachings, articles, and other resources focusing on the Jewish and Cultural context of the Bible. Also visit www.rvl-on.com.
www.biblicallanguagecenter.com | Dr. Randall Buth provides excellent products for the study of Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek. In addition, you can sign up to attend their short term language programs in Israel.
www.bibleplaces.com | View and purchase photo DVD libraries of the Biblical World by Todd Bolen. Todd's blog, http://blog.bibleplaces.com, is also an excellent tool to keep up with news and information on the Land.
www.ritmeyer.com | A fantastic resource for understanding the architecture and scope of the Biblical world.
www.bibback.com | Biblical Geography maps and study aids.
www.juc.edu | Jerusalem University College provides short term programs in Physical Settings, Jesus and His Times, and more. In addition to these excellent study programs, they also provide semesters abroad and masters programs.
www.bib-arch.org | Biblical Archaeology Review is an excellent magazine for the lay person to keep up with various bits of news from the arena of biblical archaeology and studies.
www.jerusalemperspective.com | An online magazine of scholarly articles dedicated to the study of the Jewish background to the life and words of Jesus. Danielle’s article, “Jesus’ Reference to Folklore and Historical Events” is available for purchase and download.
www.jesustrail.com | An excellent resource for hiking through the Galilee. Their guidebook, Hiking the Jesus Trail, is a fantastic purchase as well. You can read Kevin’s blog post about the book and trail, here. We are open to guiding tours along the Jesus Trail for our trip alumni. Contact us if you’d like to schedule such a tour.
www.esvbible.org | If you purchase the ESV Study Bible, you get access to their online site which includes some excellent illustrations, maps, charts and explanations. While the ESV may or may not be a preferred translation, the study tools are very helpful.
Additional book recommendations that were mentioned along the trail can be found at this Amazon wish list: http://amzn.com/w/24POK6D6R85JO.